Thursday, May 7, 2020

Lazy Slut

Cindy giggled as she watched her step mother toil in the hot sun and do the gardening. The once beautiful woman was now sunburned with dry skin and ragged clothes. Her nails were broken and chipped and her luxurious body now wrinkled and dirt stained. She was disgusting and it made Cindy wet to see her slave completely under her power.

Taking another lick from her ice cream the sexy little bitch idly played with the lucky star earring dangling from her perfect earlobe. Once she had been in her stepmothers place, but now the boot was definitely on the other foot and life had never been so good.

A week earlier Carl had been digging in the garden at the command of his wicked step mom. He had turned over the soil and found the golden earring in the border. Picking it up he had put it into his pocket and forgotten all about it.

Later that evening when his stepmom had been screaming and shouting at him for being so lazy and worthless he had found himself screaming back

“I wish I really was the lazy and nasty person you say I am… but you know that I am not. I wish you had to do what I said for a change so you could know how much this sucks. Grrrr, I wish you could see what it is like to be enslaved by a horrible, vain, spoiled bitch just like you but younger!”

Carl gasped as a sudden warmth in his pocket flared up and the star earring glowed with magical fire. His wishes were about to come true and he was transforming into a new person. His face went though a surge of emotions, surprise, fear, pleasure and finally acceptance as he was surrounded by a pink glow and his entire body, mind and personality changed.

In an instant he was gone and instead a pouting plastic teen with a pair of daisy dukes and a mean spoiled face was looking at the surprised step mom. Cindy had been born.

“Ohhh yeah, this is more like it…” smiled Cindy as she looked proudly at herself in the mirror and admired her horny new form. “Okay Mommy… looks like you have to do everything I tell you from now on. This is gonna be such fun.”

The lazy slut was here to stay…

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