Friday, April 3, 2020


Your husband Jack and his best-friend Kieran were always very hands on. They’d wrestle, hug, punch and jostle each other constantly and the number of times you came in to find Kieran or Jack in a head-lock in the living room were beyond counting.  The problem was both of them wanted to be the centre of attention, but all in all it was kinda cute.

Then Kieran agreed to take part in a trial to test a new drug called ‘Elixir’. Overnight he changed from a big muscular guy into a slender and busty babe and ‘Kiera’ seemed just as full of life and as happy as Kieran had ever been.

Kiera took amazingly quickly to becoming a girl. She was giggly and smiley and incredibly hot.  She still loved to be the centre of attention, but now she got that by wearing tiny shorts and sexy tops.  Her nails were always perfectly manicured, her soft hair always seemed to look great and guys couldn’t get enough of staring at her tits and hot ass.

Kiera made every woman around her jealous, especially you.  She was just so much prettier, funnier and sexier than you could ever be.  It wasn’t fair!  Something about her made you want to claw her eyes out and tell her never to come back, but you didn’t want to look like some sort of crazy and unreasonable bitch in front of your husband.

Kiera seemed to know that and you often caught her smirking and smiling funnily at you.  She began to take advantage of your passivity and soon Jack was virtually ignoring you in your own home. She was still incredibly tactile with Jack, sliding her arms around his chest and hugging him from behind… squeezing her tits up against him… running her manicured fingers lightly through his hair when he was relaxing.  The two of them would often roll and tumble on the carpet, the now much stronger Jack pinning Kiera down easily, her breathing hot and her eyes intent on his.

Several times you had to cough to remind the two of them that you were still in the room, and they seemed irritated by your presence. When you did finally bring it up with Jack he told you to stop being hysterical and he pointed out that the two of them had always been close. Finally one day whilst you were snoozing in the living room, you caught from your fluttering eyelids, Kiera taking Jack by his hand and leading him upstairs.

You stayed in your chair, your heart pounding in your chest as you heard the bed upstairs squeak with the weight of two people.  There was the sound of giggling… touching… clinging… then a soft 'ooooh’ sound and finally a few moments later a rhythmic squeaking sound and gasps and moans of pleasure.

Jack was never going to touch you again the way he was going to touch her…

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