Saturday, January 4, 2020

Shake it Off Baby

Your attempt to make your boyfriend Vince into a Taylor Swift fan by using the magic jukebox just backfired substantially. The guy in the second hand shop promised that whoever loaded a song, would become the kind of person who liked that kind of music. You just thought that meant they would become a fan, so you duly splashed out and had it delivered to your house… but boy had you just screwed up.

Unaware of the consequences of your actions you had tricked Vince into putting ‘Shake it off’ onto the jukebox and watched with glee as his eyes widened as if hearing the song for the first time. But then the smile slipped from your face , as Vince began to wiggle and shake to the music a girly giggle escaping from his lips.

As you watched in horror, Vincent’s short brown hair lengthened and tumbled around his shoulders and with a whoop he tore off his t shirt and swung it round his head like a college party girl. His usually pale skin was taking on a healthy tanned glow and his broad chest and wide waist were growing narrower by the second. He kicked off his oversized shorts with another laugh and bending over wiggled his blossoming ass deliciously within his boxer shorts. The material seemed to getting tighter and covering a much smaller area as they turned into cute clinging panties. The bulge at the front ominously went flat with a sudden snap, his dick completely gone.

You stared in shock as the face of the guy you’d come to know so well began to subtly change and alter. It grew smaller… softer… prettier. A cute little nose wiggled and a dimpled smile crossed the gorgeous girls face as she shook her chest and it swelled obligingly into two luscious, softly rounded, boy-magnets. Waves of brown hair settled into place as make up shimmered over eyes and lips and the last of Vince’s body hair vanished.

“Gawd, I love that song so much,” laughed Vicki. “We should definitely go to a concert together and after we could get some cute guys to hit on us at a bar or something.”.

As she spoke you felt your head tingle and you rolled your eyes with a grin. “Sure. But right now you should put some clothes on Vicki and stop showing off. My big brother is in the house and you know he has a crush on you. ”

As you leave the house later with your best friend, you can’t help but feel something is wrong. But after the first cocktail it doesn’t take long to shake the feeling off.

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