Friday, January 10, 2020

Slut Swap

Panting heavily, Ashton peered through the under-growth in fear and watched as Danny the bully kicked and punched her older brother Matty. Watching unobserved - the innocent girl felt twin emotions of shame and anger as she watched Matty beg for mercy. She felt shame because she was too small and little to stand up to the older kid and help her brother - but she also felt anger that Matty was such a wuss and unable to stand up for himself anyway.  She’d only just got away in time when he had called for her to run, and now she was helpless to watch as he was beaten up.
Crawling closer to the verge, her eye was caught by something shiny in the grass. Frowning she reached forward and picked up a glinting coin. Ashton turned it, shining in the light, seeing how it seemed to distort the air around it and for a moment she forgot the entire situation.
Then suddenly she felt fingers in her hair and long nails scratching her head as with a yelp she was dragged out of the bushes and hurled to the ground. ”What do we have here?” sneered Marsha, Danny’s slutty girlfriend as she loomed over Ashton and her pretty pink lips twisted into an evil sneer. Lighting a cigarette she took a drag and shook back her long black hair.  “A pathetic little girl with no one to help her. You gonna stop my boyfriend beating your big brother to a pulp?  I don’t think so.”
Ashton felt herself snap. “You horrible bully, if I was older I’d stop you.  I wish I was your age.  I wish I was the bully and you were the little girl, then you’d know what it felt like to be pushed around.”   Ashton gasped as the coin in her hand vanished with a pop and she felt a sudden strange tingling all over her body.
Laughing cruelly, Marsha grabbed Ashton by her hair and dragged her over to where Danny was kicking Matty.  
“No… let my little sister go!” shouted Matty in despair as Ashton was thrown down next to him and the two bullies loomed over them.  Danny was about to do something mean, when he noticed that his girlfriend seemed to be struggling.
“Fuck… I don’t feel so good,” grunted Marsha, loosening her leather jacket and throwing it to the floor.  “In fact, I feel really weird.”
“What the hell is the matter with you?” snarled Danny as his sexy bad girl girlfriend bent over and coughed like she wanted to vomit.  She was clutching her stomach in pain, her clothes obviously too loose on her body and as the amazed group watched on - her long sexy hair reformed into cute pigtails and turned a boring brown.  Next her heavy makeup and piercings vanished as her face grew younger and more innocent looking, the once sexy clothing she was wearing now hanging on an skinny frame.  “Help! What’s happening to me?” she screeched as her big boobies (the ones she was so proud of) started to shrink and deflate and she began to grow smaller.
“Ashton… no… what’s happening to you?” gasped Matty as he saw his sister was writhing and groaning on the ground next to him.  She was swelling and growing as Marsha shrank, her clothing ripping and tearing as she turned onto her front and began crawling towards the struggling Marsha.  The two boys looked on in shocked horror as Ashton reached Marsha and grabbing her legs pulled the older girl down to the ground.  Climbing on top of her and laughing manically Ashton groaned as she raised her hands above her head and Marsha’s clothing began to magically rip from her body and float towards the younger girl.
“No!  Give me back my clothes,” screamed Marsha in a petulant young girls voice as her tight black clothing tore from her body and began to wrap around Ashton and the younger girls slid off onto her.
“Mmmh yes, come to Momma, give it all to me!” moaned Ashton as black latex gloves slid onto her hands; tight black zip-up leather pants slid over her legs and a black latex bikini wrapped around her under-developed chest.  Marsha’s shoes lifted from her feet, her six inch heels sliding easily onto Ashton’s small feet as Marsha squeaked in fear and grew smaller and smaller still.  With a slithering clatter, a metal belt slid around Ashton’s waist to complete the clothing exchange
Standing up in the loose fitting clothing, Ashton grinned and then throwing back her head let out a moan of pure pleasure.  With a swelling sound, her chest began to inflate as she began to fill out the baggy clothing… her ass firming up and out and her short hair lengthening into silky black locks.
Marsha’s discard handbag snapped open and makeup shot out - it blurred around Ashton’s face coating her lips in dark sexy red and giving her a slutty appearance as with a crack her hips widened and she finished aging into a horny bitch.
On the ground, tiny little Marsha squeaked in fear as Ashton picked up the dropped cigarette and took a deep drag with an ‘aaaaaah’ of pleasure.  Everyone was now boggling at the busty girl like they had gone mad, as reality flailed about and tried to settle down.
“Mmmmh, this feels so much better than being a little girl.  I can’t believe how small and pathetic I used to be.  Just like you are now Marsha,” sneered the hot eighteen year old as she admired her sexy body and looked at Danny.  “Oooh I’m a big girl now little brother and I’m such a fucking nasty bitch.  Whatever magic changed me has made me into a foul mouthed, horny whore and I intend to enjoy every moment.  Too bad you’ll never get to know how good this feels.”
Reality suddenly found a way to cope.  With a shimmer the world changed and little Marsha was suddenly Ashton and Matty’s little sister.  Ashton was now the oldest and she snarled at her two geeky siblings causing them to run away and scream in fear.
Looking around Ashton smiled at Danny and her hands went to his pants.  She wanted that cock inside her right now and she couldn’t wait to feel the first jets of his spunk making her into the naughty slut she wanted to be now forever.  “Forget about my boring siblings, we have things to do… and I can always tell them about it later just to upset them…”

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I just want to say how awesome you are for posting all of Evie's old material. But I was wondering if you ever considered posting one f2f and one m2f per day. I just figured with the huge (I'm assuming) library of content that exists, that would speed up the wait time of people looking for their favorites. Haha I'll admit, I'm a little biased and prefer the m2f. But if you need help sorting through old content or just posting in general, I'd be happy to lend a hand when I can. :)
