Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Mommy’s little Cheerleader

Shauna wished her stupid Mom would shut the fuck up about how happy she had been when she was a teenage girl and just let her be miserable.  Her Mom was such a boring bitch, she hated and despised the old hag for her pedestrian life choices.  So what if her Mom had been the most popular girl at school and the head cheerleader? Shauna hated cheerleaders and she hated school. She couldn’t wait to drop out.

Oh and so what if she also had an eating disorder and was taking drugs?  It was her life wasn’t it?  If she wanted to smoke, drink booze and get fingered by gothy emo kids at the park - that was her choice.  Just too bad her occasional boyfriend hadn’t turned up tonight.  Guess it was time to head off.

Stubbing out another cigarette, she put her headphones in and wandered home listening to some appropriately themed heavy metal.  Getting in, she went upstairs and suspiciously pushed open the door to her room as she noticed someone had been creeping around inside. “Ugh, Mom… what the fuck?  Have you been in my fucking room?”

“I do wish you wouldn’t swear dear,” smiled Lydia through gritted teeth as she came up the stairs and looked at her daughter.

“I’ll swear all the fuck I want you old bitch, I can’t believe you went into my room!  What the hell is this shit?”

“It’s my old cheerleading outfit darling, I think you should try it on.  I got the man in the village to make some adjustments, I think you’ll find it suits you very much.”

“Is this some sort of fucking joke,” scoffed the emo girl as she looked at the old cheerleading outfit on her bed and chuckled.  “I’m gonna burn this fucking piece of shit and flush the ashes down the toilet.”

“Oh no you’re not, you’re going to become a pretty popular girl just like Mommy wants,” laughed Lydia, suddenly pushing Shauna so she fell onto the outfit.

“Noooo! What the fuck are you, ahhhhh doing?” screamed Shauna as the cheerleading outfit suddenly came to life and wrapped tightly around her body.

“You stupid little bitch, my lovely cheerleading outfit is going to consume you and turn you into a proper girl,” laughed Lydia.

“Nooooo!”, screeched Shauna as her emo clothes melted and burned and the outfit slithered onto her body.  Her coloured hair turned brunette and her face became pretty and dumb looking as her lips curved into a perfect white smile and a healthy tan spread over her body.

“That’s it Shauna, give in… you know you want to be pretty and popular.  You know all that matters is being sexy and hot,” gloated Lydia as she watched her daughter transform.

“I… won’t… ughhhh, let you make me into a popular bitch,” screeched Shauna.

“Oh… you don’t have a choice dear, the outfit is deleting your old life and making you into the rich, popular girl you always could have been.  Say bye to your pathetic emo life and those loser friends of yours.”

Shauna’s eyes rolled up into her head, and when they came back down they were like a different girls.  Jumping up, she giggled and shook her cute little booty.  The emo bitch was gone and only a pretty popular cheer girl remained.  “Like OMG I feel like sooooo nice!”

Lydia grinned… it was going to be such a relief to have a cheerful, friendly and sexy daughter instead of that miserable bitch…

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