Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Role With It - Secret Santa

Richard’s work place had never done Secret Santa before - but now that his girlfriend Sarah (who worked for the same company) had found the strange ‘Role With It - Secret Santa Surprise’ box in the office cupboard she had decided to organise one and make everyone take part.

Richard wasn’t keen on playing, but Sarah insisted - so he rooted around in the hat and pulled out a name.  “Mia.”  The paper seemed to shimmer and Richard shivered as a strange tingle ran through his body.

Re-reading the name, Richard sighed.  This was a disaster. Mia was the flirty, sexy, girly-girl, super hot twenty two year old babe who everyone in the office obsessed over.  She was a fashionista and had every guy at work wrapped round her little finger - what the hell was a thirty-five year old computer programmer supposed to get a young sexy girl like her?

“Oh, you pulled out that bitch,” scowled Sarah.  She hated Mia and felt like the younger hotter girl was always bullying her. “I’ll help you get her something, but I wish she wasn’t playing - I hate that manipulative slut.”

Sarah took Richard to the store to look for a present.  As they browsed he began to feel hot and dizzy.  He had been feeling weird since pulling the name out of the hat.  He couldn’t stop thinking about Mia - about how hot and sexy she was.  About how awesome it must be to be like her.  He had been experiencing some really weird dreams where he almost imagined what it would like to be her.

Richard looked at his ugly girlfriend and wondered what he was doing with such a useless bitch.  Deliberately dropping back he slipped away from her and snuck into the women’s clothing section.  Now here were the sexy fashionable clothes a sexy girl like Mia would wear.  He began pulling them off the hangers, helping himself to the sexy clothing and finally slipping into the fitting rooms.

“I… I have to try these on,” he groaned, possessed by strange and overwhelming urges as he tore off his male clothing.

“Ohhh, fuck yes,” he moaned as his voice cracked and lifted and he struggled into the purple lingerie he had chosen. It hugged his body as he began to change into the sexy office slut he had thought constantly about since picking the name… “Oh fuck, I’m turning into Mia and it feels amazing.”

Richard groaned as his chest pushed out and his hair grew.  He was actually becoming his Secret Santa, turning into Mia and it felt so wonderful.  “Yes, YES make me into her,” he giggled insanely, groaning as his ass expanded and his dick retracted.  He could feel Mia’s bitchy thoughts and slutty personality taking over and it felt good.  He was becoming her in every way… in fact HE WAS Mia now.

Staggering out of the fitting rooms, Mia fixed her hair and headed home.  She smirked as she saw Sarah running around the store looking for her boyfriend, “Good luck bitch - Richard is gone…”

The next day Mia arrived at work feeling smug and all powerful.  She loved how good it felt to be her and she loved the attention all the men were giving her.

Later that night as she stayed late to fuck her boss and get that promotion she wanted, she considered that this was definitely going to be the best Christmas ever…

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