Friday, February 14, 2020

Heartless Valentine

Maria and Oliver were a cute couple - the kind of couple that were just so warm and loving and happy together that it made everyone happy to be around them.  They were both extremely chilled out and cool, probably the two nicest people at school.  No one had a bad word to say about them and it looked like they would be together forever.

Then everything changed…

It was all Oliver’s fault.  He bought Maria a cuddly ‘be mine’ heart for Valentine’s day from the strange store near his house.  Maria thought it was cute, if not a little tacky, but then that was what Valentine’s day was all about, so she didn’t complain.

So there she was, in her bedroom getting ready for her evening date with her wonderful man.  “Drat I’m not sure about this dress - I want to look really pretty for Oliver tonight,” mused Maria.  She wasn’t expecting anyone to reply to her spoken aloud comment, but suddenly the heart glowed and spoke directly into her mind. At that moment everything changed forever.

“Tell me Mistress - would you like to be prettier? I can make you prettier… much much, much prettier.” it whispered in a soft seductive voice.

“Wh… what?  Did you just talk?” gasped Maria backing away from the heart in terror.

“Yes Mistress.  I am a magic Heart and I live to serve you… I can make anything come true that you desire… I only need your love, I want your heart and soul - in return I will make you a Goddess..”

“Ummmm, so this is clearly a joke,” laughed Maria. “You think you can… make me prettier? Go on then,”

The heart glowed and Maria gasped as her body glowed too.  Her brown hair turned blonde, her skin became flawlessly white and perfect and her features became far more seductive and sexy.  The black dress she was wearing became more fashionable as every inch of hair on her legs vanished and she became even thinner and curvier in all the right places.

“OMG,” gasped Maria in an unfamiliar slutty voice, “I feel so amazing, like what did you like do to me?  Why am I like talking like this?”

“I made you into a Cheerleader of the school Mistress.  You are now the second prettiest and most popular girl at school.”

“I’m so beautiful, but why do I feel so… empty inside?” shivered Maria as she examined her beautiful reflection in the mirror and grinned.  “I should be like upset you did this to me, but I feel so deliciously corrupted and I think I like it.”

“Yes Mistress, it feels good to become evil doesn’t it? To transform you, I have to drain some of your heart and soul - the more you use my power the more heartless and bitchy you will become… the more perfect.”

“You know how to say all the right things don’t you?” purred the now half evil Maria.  “I think I like the idea of becoming even hotter and more evil.  Why don’t you go ahead and make me the Head Cheerleader and MOST popular girl at school?  Oh and Maria is like such a good girls name, I wanna be… Mia instead.”

“Yes Mistress,” obeyed the heart, causing ‘Mia’ to moan as more of her goodness and innocence were sucked into the heart leaving her as a cruel, evil and spoiled horny bitch.  Now she was head cheerleader and the biggest bully the school had ever known.

“Mmmmmh, it feels so fucking good to be hot and souless,” laughed the evil minx as she stretched delightedly.  “Bring that boy of mine Oliver here… only transform him more to my liking. Make him into a dumb, big cocked jock who does whatever I say.  I want him to be muscled and great at fucking me and making me cum.  Hmmm, Oliver is such a dweeby name - transform him into a Brad or Jason or something… like I give a fuck as long as he’s hot.”

“Ohhh Mistress, you are so perfect at this, all your soul is within me now and I am so full of your love” purred the heart happily as it obeyed its Mistress.

There was a glow in the corner of the room and a surprised looking Oliver appeared.  Then his face turned to horror as muscles began to spread over his body and his average cock began to get bigger.  Mia watched in satisfaction as his face became chiselled and the man she once loved became a big dumb jock called Jason… just as she had wanted.

It felt so good as he slid his newly enlarged cock into her tight perfect hole and began fucking her.  Mia felt nothing for him now, but the sex was good and as long as her popular boyfriend could give her the hard fucking she needed, she would stay with him… for now.

“Mmmmh, that’s it baby, fuck me hard and deep,  I love how good your cock feels inside me,” she moaned, giggling and laughing with glee.

On the bed by her, the heart glowed gently - and Mia smirked as she looked over at it.  The heart had made her into a Goddess and she intended to keep abusing its power to get everything she ever wanted.

Maria and Oliver were no longer the perfect couple.  Now Mia was a heartless, evil, slutty young bitch and Oliver was a meathead jock with a giant dick… oh, then again… maybe they still were the perfect couple after all…

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