Saturday, March 21, 2020

No Bribe Needed

Kyle had been telling his friend Michael about the wicked magic corset created by one of his ancestors, an evil witch. He’d just obtained it from one of his relatives. His grandmother had told him her secret and begged him to destroy it. She’d used it for years to become a young beautiful slut and had ruined all her friends marriages by seducing their husbands and acting like a complete whore. Now she wanted to atone for her crimes.

Michael was turned on by the thought of becoming a slutty girl and begged Kyle not to destroy the corset but give it to him. Realising his friend was serious, Kyle couldn’t resist temptation and he made him a deal/bribe and gave him the corset. “Suck my cock and it’s yours…” he offered and Michael gladly accepted.

Watching Michael put on the tight corset and transform into Mikayla was one of the hottest things Kyle had ever seen. His cock was out in his hand almost instantly and as the new bitch finished transforming she eyed it hungrily.

Kyle needn’t have bothered with the bribe. Mikayla was horny and wanted some dick. Neither boy realised the evil they’d unleashed. Mikayla was going to corrupt Michael sooooo badly and they were going to be evil together. Soooo evil.

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