Sunday, March 15, 2020

You’ll Quickly Realise

Can’t work out why that cute girl at school won’t give you a date? Annoyed that she only seems to date jerks and jocks? Can’t understand how someone so pretty could be so bitchy, mean and stuck up? Well casting a little life swap spell could be the key to finally understanding the problem.

All it takes is one little spell to completely rewrite your entire life, going back to when those pesky chromosomes divided the wrong way in the womb. This time you get both sets of X and you get to be a girl, whilst she gets the unlucky XY. And the spell also makes sure that you end up just as pretty and popular as she was. It makes you make all the same choices she did, whilst she gets your bum choices.

In one instant your life flashes before your eyes as you live through your childhood and puberty in seconds and WHAM you’re now the hot girl you’ve always dreamed of.

And now you quickly realise the problem. You know you shouldn’t be attracted to the bad boys… but despite every effort they make you sooooo wet and they’re just like sooooo hawt.

And worse you know you shouldn’t act mean and bratty, but you’re all hormonal and bitchy and it makes you feel good to show off and be an alpha girl.

Perhaps you shouldn’t wear all those skimpy outfits and tease the boys with your pierced navel either… but isn’t it a turn on to do it?

And all these plebs and losers constantly hitting on you when there are so many better options. Don’t they realise that you can have any guy you want?

You’ll talk about all this and more with your besties and your girls as you feel a sense of tribal power and privilege with the pretty girls you’ve never felt before.

And you’ll quickly realise that you have no intention of ever reversing the spell…

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